jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Greek Architecture

The Parthenon was a temple to Athena built on top of the highest hill in Athens, the Acropolis (Acropolis means High City). In the Late Bronze Age, about 1300 BC, the Acropolis had been where thekings of Athens lived (like Theseus in the myth), and where everybody went to defend themselves when there was a war. But after the Dark Ages, the Athenians had no more kings to rule them. Instead they had an oligarchy, and so there was no king to live on the Acropolis. Instead, the Acropolis became sacred to the goddess Athena, and the Athenians built her a temple there.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Greek Inventions

ionThe MIT Daedalus was a human-powered aircraft which, on 23 April, 1988 flew 74 mi (119 km) from Iraklion Air Force Base on Crete, crashing in the ocean just short of the island of Santorini in 3 hours, 54 minutes. Despite the fact that the aircraft crashed short of its goal, some people consider this flight to have set a distance record which stands to this day. The craft was named after the mythological character Daedalus.

Greek Inventions

We use the thermometer every day in our lives and climatology as we know it would be very different without this simple device. The thermometer is a very old invention that dates back to the Greeks of Alexandria who discovered that air expanded when heated. Philo of Byzantium, who lived 2,000 years ago, made a basic thermometer that used this concept. Roughly 1,600 years later, Galileo would use this same concept and put a scale on it to help distinguish temperature so that people could know how hot or cold it was on any given day of the week.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Greek Writers

Napoleon Lapathiotis ( 31 October 1888 – 7 January 1944) was a Greek poet. A native of Athens, he began writing and publishing poetry when he was eleven. In 1907, along with others, he established the Igiso  magazine, in which he published his works. In 1909, he graduated from the law school of the University of Athens. His first book of poems was published in 1939.

Greek Actors

Angelos Grammenos  is a Greek actor, television director and singer. Born on the island of Corfu, he was particularly popular during the 1980s]


File:Angelos Grammenos.jpgHe studied at the Drama School of the «Professional Theatre School of Athens» . He has played in many Greek fims, television series, and theatre plays.

Greek Singers

 Kazantzidis was born in Nea Ionia, in Athens, Greece. He was the first of two brothers born to Haralambos Kazantzidis  and Gesthimani Kazantzidis, who came from the Town of Alany (known as Alaiya) in Southern Turkey and was expelled to Greece as a result of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922). Kazantzidis derives from Turkish word KazancıKazan means a cauldron in Turkish and -cıis an agent suffix similar to "-er" in English. Thus, Kazancı means someone who produces, repairs, and/or sells cauldrons. See also Elia Kazan.
He was orphaned at the age of 13 when his father, a member of the Greek Resistance, was tortured to death by the rightists.This forced Kazantzidis into employment, working as a baggage-carrier at Omonia Square and then for an interstate bus company, as a seller of roasted chestnuts at open markets, and as a labourer at the Nea Ionia textile mills.
His life changed when the owner of a factory, which was located in the Perissos working district, gave him a guitar. He spent long hours playing music.