jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Greek Architecture

The Parthenon was a temple to Athena built on top of the highest hill in Athens, the Acropolis (Acropolis means High City). In the Late Bronze Age, about 1300 BC, the Acropolis had been where thekings of Athens lived (like Theseus in the myth), and where everybody went to defend themselves when there was a war. But after the Dark Ages, the Athenians had no more kings to rule them. Instead they had an oligarchy, and so there was no king to live on the Acropolis. Instead, the Acropolis became sacred to the goddess Athena, and the Athenians built her a temple there.

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Greek Inventions

ionThe MIT Daedalus was a human-powered aircraft which, on 23 April, 1988 flew 74 mi (119 km) from Iraklion Air Force Base on Crete, crashing in the ocean just short of the island of Santorini in 3 hours, 54 minutes. Despite the fact that the aircraft crashed short of its goal, some people consider this flight to have set a distance record which stands to this day. The craft was named after the mythological character Daedalus.

Greek Inventions

We use the thermometer every day in our lives and climatology as we know it would be very different without this simple device. The thermometer is a very old invention that dates back to the Greeks of Alexandria who discovered that air expanded when heated. Philo of Byzantium, who lived 2,000 years ago, made a basic thermometer that used this concept. Roughly 1,600 years later, Galileo would use this same concept and put a scale on it to help distinguish temperature so that people could know how hot or cold it was on any given day of the week.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Greek Writers

Napoleon Lapathiotis ( 31 October 1888 – 7 January 1944) was a Greek poet. A native of Athens, he began writing and publishing poetry when he was eleven. In 1907, along with others, he established the Igiso  magazine, in which he published his works. In 1909, he graduated from the law school of the University of Athens. His first book of poems was published in 1939.

Greek Actors

Angelos Grammenos  is a Greek actor, television director and singer. Born on the island of Corfu, he was particularly popular during the 1980s]


File:Angelos Grammenos.jpgHe studied at the Drama School of the «Professional Theatre School of Athens» . He has played in many Greek fims, television series, and theatre plays.

Greek Singers

 Kazantzidis was born in Nea Ionia, in Athens, Greece. He was the first of two brothers born to Haralambos Kazantzidis  and Gesthimani Kazantzidis, who came from the Town of Alany (known as Alaiya) in Southern Turkey and was expelled to Greece as a result of the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922). Kazantzidis derives from Turkish word KazancıKazan means a cauldron in Turkish and -cıis an agent suffix similar to "-er" in English. Thus, Kazancı means someone who produces, repairs, and/or sells cauldrons. See also Elia Kazan.
He was orphaned at the age of 13 when his father, a member of the Greek Resistance, was tortured to death by the rightists.This forced Kazantzidis into employment, working as a baggage-carrier at Omonia Square and then for an interstate bus company, as a seller of roasted chestnuts at open markets, and as a labourer at the Nea Ionia textile mills.
His life changed when the owner of a factory, which was located in the Perissos working district, gave him a guitar. He spent long hours playing music.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011


When you think about Athens, most likely the first image to come to mind is that of the Acropolis. The stunning rock defines the city and is the main attraction when it comes to things to do in Athens. The Acropolis in Athens is the most famous acropolis in Greece, and the entire world, for that matter. No trip to Greece would seem complete without at least a glance at the Acropolis and a visit to the site ranks high on any suggested Athens itinerary. The Acropolis of Athens  with the country and continent that it prompted the European Cultural Heritage to list it as the primary monument on its list. Evidence shows that the Acropolis in Athens was of great importance to all recorded groups who inhabited the city, and current archaeological investigations continue to reveal insights into the site’s past.

Greek Cities

Greek General Info

General Info

Capital of Greece : Athens
Official language: Greek
The currency : Euro (€)
Climate: Mediterranean
Population: 11.306.183 (2010 estimate)
The country is a Presidential Parliamentary Democracy 
President of the Republic: Mr. Karolos Papoulias
Prime Minister: Mr. George A. Papandreou 
Calling code: The international calling code of Greece is +30
The Greek economy is based on the principles of free economy and is bound by the regulations of the world organizations that it is a member of, such as ECOFIN and WTO.

For further information and news regarding Greek domestic politics, Greece’s international affairs, social issues, business, culture and sports, you can also visit:

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Greek History

Today’s visitors to Greece have the opportunity to trace the “fingerprints” of Greek history from the Paleolithic Era to the Roman Period in the hundreds of archaeological sites, as well as in the archaeological museums and collections that are scattered throughout the country.
During the Neolithic Age that followed (approx. 7000 - 3000 B.C.), a plethora of Neolithic buildings spread throughout the country. Buildings and cemeteries have been discovered in Thessaly (Sesklo, Dimini), Macedonia, the Peloponnese, etc.
The beginning of the Bronze Age (approx. 3000-1100 B.C.) is marked by the appearance of the first urban centers in the Aegean region (Poliochni on Limnos). Flourishing settlements were found on Crete, Mainland Greece, the Cyclades and the Northeastern Aegean, regions where characteristic cultural patterns developed.

At the beginning of the 2nd Millennium B.C., organized palatial societies appeared on Minoan Crete, resulting in the development of the first systematic scripts. The Minoans, with Knossos Palace as their epicenter, developed a communications network with races from the Eastern Mediterranean region, adopted certain elements and in turn decisively influenced cultures on the Greek mainland and the islands of the Aegean. 
On Mainland Greece, the Mycenean Greeks –taking advantage of the destruction caused on Crete by the volcanic eruption on Santorini (around 1500 B.C.)- became the dominant force in the Aegean during the last centuries of the 2nd Millennium B.C.. The Mycenean acropolises (citadels) in Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Thiva, Glas, Athens and Iolcus, then comprised the centers of the bureaucratically organized kingdoms. 
The extensive destruction of the Mycenean centers around 1200 B.C. led to the decline of the Mycenean civilization and caused the population to migrate to the coastal regions of Asia Minor and Cyprus (1st Greek colonization).
After approximately two centuries of economic and cultural inactivity, which also became known as the Dark Years (1150 - 900 B.C.), the Geometric Period then followed (9th - 8th Century B.C.). This was the beginning of the Greek Renaissance Years. This period was marked by the formation of the Greek City-States, the creation of the Greek alphabet and the composition of the Homeric epics (end of the 8th Century B.C.).

The Archaic Years that subsequently followed (7th - 6th Century B.C.) were a period of major social and political changes. The Greek City-States established colonies as far as Spain to the west, the Black Sea to the north and N. Africa to the south (2nd Greek colonization) and laid the foundations for the acme during the Classical Period. 
The Classical Years (5th - 4th Century B.C.) were characterized by the cultural and political dominance of Athens, so much so that the second half of the 5th Century B.C. was subsequently called the “Golden Age” of Pericles. With the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 B.C., Athens lost its leading role.
New forces emerged during the 4th Century B.C. The Macedonians, with Philip II and his son Alexander the Great, began to play a leading role in Greece. Alexander’s campaign to the East and the conquest of all the regions as far as the Indus River radically changed the situation in the world, as it was at that time.

After the death of Alexander, the vast empire he had created was then divided among his generals, leading to the creation of the kingdoms that would prevail during the Hellenistic Period (3rd - 1st Century B.C.). In this period the Greek City-States remained more or less autonomous, but lost much of their old power and prestige. The appearance of the Romans on the scene and the final conquest of Greece in 146 B.C. forced the country to join the vast Roman Empire. 
During the Roman occupation period (1st Century B.C. - 3rd Century A.D.), most of the Roman emperors, who admired Greek culture, acted as benefactors to the Greek cities, and especially Athens. 
Christianity, the new religion that would depose Dodekatheon worshipping, then spread all over Greece through the travels of Apostle Paul during the 1st Century A.D.
The decision by Constantine the Great to move the capital of the empire from Rome to Constantinople (324 A.D.), shifted the focus of attention to the eastern part of the empire. This shift marked the beginning of the Byzantine Years, during which Greece became part of the Byzantine Empire. 
After 1204, when Constantinople was taken by Western crusaders, parts of Greece was apportioned out to western leaders, while the Venetians occupied strategic positions in the Aegean (islands or coastal cities), in order to control the trade routes. The reoccupation of Constantinople by the Byzantines in 1262 marked the last stages of the empire’s existence.
The Ottomans gradually began to seize parts of the empire from the 14th Century A.D., and completed the breakup of the empire with the capture of Constantinople in 1453. Crete was the final area of Greece that was occupied by the Ottomans in 1669. 
Around four centuries of Ottoman domination then followed, up to the beginning of the Greek War of Independence in 1821. Numerous monuments from the Byzantine Years and the Ottoman Occupation Period have been preserved, such as Byzantine and Post-Byzantine churches and monasteries, Ottoman buildings, charming Byzantine and Frankish castles, various other monuments as well as traditional settlements, quite a few of which retain their Ottoman and partly Byzantine structure.
The result of the Greek War of Independence was the creation of an independent Greek Kingdom in 1830, but with limited sovereign land. 
During the 19th C. and the beginning of the 20th C., new areas with compact Greek populations were gradually inducted into the Greek State. Greece’s sovereign land would reach its maximum after the end of Word War I in 1920, with the substantial contribution of then Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos. The Greek State took its current form after the end of World War II with the incorporation of the Dodecanese Islands.
In 1974, after the seven-year dictatorship period a referendum was held and the government changed from a Constitutional Monarchy to a Presidential Parliamentary Democracy, and in 1981 Greece became a member of the European Community/Union.
click here to see the typical greek dance

martes, 16 de agosto de 2011

Greek coat of arms

Greek national flower

violet is the greek national flower

Greek geography

The total area of Greece is 131,957 km2 and consists of three main geographic areas:
  • a peninsular mainland (that extends from the region of Central Greece on the South to the region of Thrace on the North) being the biggest geographic feature of the country
  • the Peloponnese peninsula that is separated from the mainland by the canal of the Corinth Isthmus,
  • and around 6.000 islands and islets, scattered in the Aegean and Ionian Sea, most of them grouped in clusters, that constitute the unique Greek archipelago. Crete, Rhodes,Corfu, the Dodecanese and the Cyclades are some of the famous and popular islands and island clusters in Greece.
Eighty percent of the country consists of mountains or hills, making Greece one of the most mountainous countries of Europe; furthermore, it has 16.000 kilometres of coastline of which 7500 are found around the thousands islands of the Greek archipelago, a truly unparalleled phenomenon on the European continent.

Greece is located in south-eastern Europe, on the southern end of the Balkan Peninsula (Haemus peninsula); it lies at the meeting point of three continents – Europe, Asia and Africa. Greece borders to the North on Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.), to the Northwest on Albania, to the Northeast on Turkey; to the West it is washed by the Ionian Sea; to the South by the Mediterranean Sea and to the East by the Aegean Sea.
Greek Map

Why white and blue in the flag??

The flag of Greece (popularly referred to  "blue-white"), officially recognized by Greece as one of its national symbols, is based on nine equal horizontal stripes of blue alternating with white. There is a blue canton in the upper hoist-side corner bearing a white cross; the cross symbolizes eastern orthodox christianity, the established religion of the Greek people of Greece and Cyprus. According to popular tradition, the nine stripes represent the nine syllables of the phrase  ("Freedom or Death"), the five blue stripes for the syllables  and the four white stripes . The nine stripes are also said to represent the letters of the word "freedom" . There is also a different theory, that the nine stripes symbolize the nineMuses, the goddesses of art and civilization (nine has traditionally been one of the numbers of reference for the Greeks


The greek motto is : "freedom or death"

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Tradicional Food

Greek cuisine  is a Mediterranean cuisine  that share characteristics with the cuisine of Italy, the Balkans, Turkey and the Levant. Contemporary Greek cuisinemakes extensive use of olive oil, vegetables and herbs, cerealsand bread, wine, fish and various meats, including poultry, rabbitand pork. Also important are the olives, cheese, eggplant, zucchini and yogurt. Greek desserts are characterized by the dominant use of nuts and honey. Some dishes use pastry edge.

Traditional clothes

Foustanella/Tsolias Worn by diplomats and warriors, this costume was declared the national costume for men; it is found in mountainous areas and was worn mainly in the Central and Southern parts of Greece.
The costume derives its name from the pleated white skirt  made by triangular shaped pieces of cloth called "langolia" which are together diagonally. The Foustanella skirt consists of 400 pleats symbolizing the years during which Greece was under Ottoman rule. The Greek Fighters of the 1821 revolution wore the Foustanella while fighting the Turks. Today it serves as the official uniform of the Evzones, the Presidential Guard, who keep their vigil at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens. The remainder of the costume is composed of a white shirt with a very wide flowing sleeve, and embroidered woolen vest called the "fermeli" and has panels hanging from the back. The vest can be blue, black or maroon, the latter worn by the captain of the guard. A sash is worn around the waist, and pointed shoes which have large pompons known as Tsarouhia which were worn for mountain climbing.

Vraka This costume, which is worn with some variations on all the Aegean islands, is the classical type of male dress with vraka. It consists of a panavaki (white undergarment), white shirt, karamani (baggy trousers), koumbouri (sleeveless crossed waistcoat), sash, zaka (outer jacket)) and megalo fesi (tasseled cap).

Karagouna The Karagouna is the famous female costume from Thessaly in Central Greece. The Karagouna costume is a wedding dress with bright colors symbolizing the wealth of the valley of Thessaly. The name came out of the way the women could move only their heads because of the weight of the costume and their jewelry. This costume consists of an undergarment which is a white dress with a thick black fringe edge, a wool coat with handmade tufts at the edges of sleeves and embroidery at the hemline, a white sleeveless coat ''sayias'' with decorated trim, a short red wool felt richly embroidered waistcoat, and velvet arm bands with black or multicolored fringe. Worn around the waist is a red felt apron with bands of embroidered gold thread and finally the black embroidered head kerchief scarf wrapped and then twisted around the head and decorated with gold coins across the forehead. Distinctive features of this costume, symbolizing the wealth of the bride, are the many rows of chains of coins that are worn across the bosom. The apron is also decorated with a brooch and silver or gold chain piece.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

The Greek National Opera is the only lyric theatre of Greece, established in 1939 as a part of the then called Royal Theatre, which matured during the years of the occupation of Greece by the German forces. In particular during that period the Greek National Opera was one of the very small free voices left in our enslaved country and since the year 1944 the Greek National Opera operates as an autonomous organisation.ts continuation.
During the year 1888, the first Greek Opera was presented at the old Theatre of Bukura with the play "The Candidate Parliamentarian" by Spyros Xyndas. Between 1888 and 1890 the Greek opera House toured all over the centres of the Greek immigrants of Egypt, Russia, Turkey and Rumania, presenting plays like :
The Greek Opera House, inspite of its enormous economic and many other problems that had to be confronted, it has survived during a period of more than 40 years and in the meantime it offered its valuable services to the cultural life of the country and the various centres of the Greek immigrants around the world, up to the moment that the Greek state acknowledged the services rendered by the Greek Opera House by promoting the theatrical arts in Greece and decided to give authority to this kind of effort. During the year 1939 the Greek National Opera was established under the management of Kostis Bastias, who was a dynamic manager and remained at this post more than 25 years helping in many ways the Lyric Theatre of this country.Descripción: greek national opera
The Athens Opera is the only lyric theatre of Greece. The establishment of the Greek National Opera was based on the Greek Opera House and is considered as part of At first it was established by Napoleon Lambelet, Dionyssios Lavrangas and by a group of inspired musicians. During the year 1888, the first Greek Opera was presented.
Since the year 1944 the Athens Opera operates as an autonomous organisation. Many famous names of the lyric singers participated in performances presented by the Greek National Opera, who later on became famous abroad. Certainly the most important of them all is Maria Callas , who signed the first professional contract with the Greek National Opera on June 20, 1940.
The Greek National Opera is the only lyric theatre of Greece, established in 1939 as a part of the then called Royal Theatre, which matured during the years of the occupation of Greece by the German forces. In particular during that period the Greek National Opera was one of the very small free voices left in our enslaved country and since the year 1944 the Greek National Opera operates as an autonomous organisation.iThe Greek National Opera is the only lyric theatre of Greece, established in 1939 as a part of the then called Royal Theatre, which matured during the years of the occupation of Greece by the German forces. In particular during that period the Greek National Opera was one of the very small free voices left in our enslaved country and since the year 1944 the Greek National Opera operates as an autonomous organisation.ts continuation.
During the year 1888, the first Greek Opera was presented at the old Theatre of Bukura with the play "The Candidate Parliamentarian" by Spyros Xyndas. Between 1888 and 1890 the Greek opera House toured all over the centres of the Greek immigrants of Egypt, Russia, Turkey and Rumania, presenting plays like :
The Greek Opera House, inspite of its enormous economic and many other problems that had to be confronted, it has survived during a period of more than 40 years and in the meantime it offered its valuable services to the cultural life of the country and the various centres of the Greek immigrants around the world, up to the moment that the Greek state acknowledged the services rendered by the Greek Opera House by promoting the theatrical arts in Greece and decided to give authority to this kind of effort. During the year 1939 the Greek National Opera was established under the management of Kostis Bastias, who was a dynamic manager and remained at this post more than 25 years helping in many ways the Lyric Theatre of this country.